Court Update

As British Columbia’s public healthcare system continues to deteriorate with critical hospital staff shortages, frequent emergency room closures throughout the province, long wait times for diagnostic testing and even longer delays for appointments with specialists, thousands of doctors and nurses…

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A Day In Court

Thousands of unemployed doctors and nurses across British Columbia are finally having their day in court. Once hailed as heroes, they have been unable to work in BC hospitals and other public healthcare facilities for over 2 years now, as…

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The Hidden Healthcare Crisis

The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS is the title of a recently released short documentary telling the personal stories of just a handful of the many thousands of British Columbian healthcare workers who still have not been able to return back…

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Taking Charge of Our Health

The New Year is a time when many people refocus on their health, whether it’s starting an exercise program, losing weight, eating healthier, or spending more time out in Nature. However, for a growing number of healthcare practitioners in British…

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The Future of Healthcare

Despite a strained healthcare system and critical staff shortages resulting in emergency rooms, hospital beds, and other health services being shut down, the BC government is still refusing to rehire thousands of healthcare workers, including doctors and nurses, who were…

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Freedom To Choose

As mentioned in previous newsletters, the number of Covid-19 related lawsuits and legal actions across Canada are increasing as the government’s official narrative continues to crumble. Some of the new legal cases include a retired provincial premier suing the Federal…

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That Kind of a Year

The New Year is a time when many people refocus on their health goals, whether it’s exercising to get into shape, eating better, or working on de-stressing their lives. However, as we enter into the third year of “two weeks…

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More Letters Looking For Answers

Medical doctors and scientists continue to speak out against the harm being caused by current COVID-19 mandates including thousands worldwide who have recently signed the “Rome Declaration” at the recent “Rome Covid Summit”; their aim is to restore the physician-patient…

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The House of Cards – Part 2

“Unscientific, non-medical, illegal, criminal, and unconstitutional” is how Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati describes the government response to the so-called Covid-19 pandemic in his recent press conference for what is now the second class action lawsuit to be filed against…

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